Government Constructs First 60,000-Tonne Silo to Combat Drought Impact – Agric Minister

In order to combat and lessen the effects of the ongoing drought crisis, the government is building a 60,000-ton grain silo, according to Agriculture Minister Bryan Acheampong, in an effort to stabilize food supplies. In an interview, he said that the new silo, which will be built for about $70 million and finished in a year, will act as a tactical reserve to help the nation’s food systems in the event of future climate emergencies.

The Abetifi MP also outlined a number of additional government initiatives aimed to combat the effects of the drought. One of these is the Ghana Agriculture and Agribusiness Platform, a program designed to register farmers all around the country and provide them with vital farming instructions via audio notes in their native tongues.


The Minister emphasized the significance of these new communication techniques, pointing out that linguistic hurdles frequently caused prior advice issued to farmers to be disregarded or misinterpreted. In addition, Mr. Acheampong highlighted the accomplishments of the government’s tiny earth dam initiatives under the “One District, One Dam” program, which lessened the effects of the drought that occurred the previous year.

In order to guarantee that the farming season coincides with actual climatic circumstances, he gave Ghanaians assurances that the government is dedicated to developing more land, extending irrigation infrastructure, and fusing crop calendars with weather data. The Minister finished by pointing out that these initiatives are a part of the larger Food Systems Resilience Program, which is supported by the World Bank and attempts to make Ghana’s agriculture industry more sustainable.

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