Fund is Needed to Combat Climate Change in the North

The Northern Development Authority (NDA) is being urged to create a climate adaptation fund in order to support efforts to adapt to climate change and lessen its effects in northern Ghana, following a three-day conference on the subject that concluded in Tamale. In a news release distributed at the ceremony, YEFL Ghana’s Advocacy and Engagement Officer, Fathiaya Zakari, made the announcement and said the fund would help Northern Ghana’s resilience and solve urgent climate change adaptation challenges. She added such a fund would go a long way to support capacity building efforts and adaption strategies, given the growing impact of the climate issue in the north.

Changing Lives in Innovative Partnerships (CLIP) and YEFL Ghana organised the event, and Ghana Venskab from Denmark provided financial support on the theme, “Climate Change for Sustainable Development in Northern Ghana: Building Resilient and Empowered Communities.” The purpose of the gathering was to discuss strategies for combating climate change and enhancing resilience in northern Ghana in advance of COP 29, which will take place in Azerbaijan in November, with important stakeholders from both countries.

Dr. Antwi-Boasiako Amoah, the National Director of the EPA responsible for Climate Vulnerabilities and Adaptation, praised YEFL Ghana and its partners for hosting the event in his remarks. He claimed that the nation has been experiencing a steady increase in temperature for some time due to climate change, which is having a detrimental effect on people’s quality of life.

“The rainfall pattern has not been consistent and it has implications on water, energy generation, agriculture productivity, and other livelihood support that depends on water related activities,” he said.


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