Sokoban residents threaten demo over 3-month water shortage

Sokoban residents in the Ashanti region have threaten over a three months’ water rationing and are eyeing demonstration if a solution is not found. It started when Kofi Jobs Construction Limited that was constructing the Daban-Sokoban Road, ruptured pipes which supplied water to the area.

The residents said that the construction company did not relocate the pipelines before the beginning of the project and all the affected communities are experiencing water shortages. Though, the GWCL had been provided with adequate compensation for damages, the residents could not be supplied with water for quite a while now.

The Assembly member for the area, Kwadwo Boateng pointed out that previous efforts to commoner with the construction firm and GWCL have not yielded any productive results. He stressed that if it continues like this the population will be left with no other option than to stage demonstrations on the streets. On Channel One News some residents expressing their anger and dissatisfaction called on the authorities to find the solution to the water problem as soon as possible.

One of them said ““We’re suffering, we have to boil water from a well before we’re able to use it for anything meaningful. Our kids who fetch the water from a far distance go through a lot, they have been experiencing headaches and all that. For drinking purposes, we buy pure water,”

Reacting to the accusations, the Ghana Water Company Limited refuted the claims that money had been paid to its outfit to fix the challenge.

“I think the question we are supposed to ask is how much is the money we are talking about and when was it paid? The current issue we have with Sokoban, we have not received any monetary commitment from Kofi Jobs, which is why we’re unable to go and fix the issues.

“So, as it stands, there are no monetary payments received by GWL from Kofi Jobs, I understand their frustration, we’re here to serve them,” Ebenezer Padi Narh the Ashanti regional public relations officer of GWL said.


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